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...soon to be a book for

hospital waiting rooms.


  50 STATES  
  154 HOMES  
43,000 MILES

From October 2016 to November 2019 Mary Latham drove her mother's old Subaru (in her honor) 43,000 miles across America to collect stories of acts of human kindness. A mission inspired by her mother's words that "there will always be more good out there, if you look for it." She hit all 50 states and now plans to compile the stories into a book to donate to hospital waiting rooms.
Available for speaking engagements! Reach out  here!
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that one time when I forgot I was on national television and said, "fart."

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some of my favorite footage from the journey taken in Chicago, IL.

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"More Good is in no way partisan, but it is political – fiercely political. More Good embodies a form of empathy that is rare at this cynical moment in American “civil” discourse. The project is strangely foreign, attractively authentic, and profoundly necessary. Through the careful curation of stories, Latham calls us to a better, more productive politics – a politics that transgresses the boundaries between red and blue, that enters the homes of Trump supporters and Clinton supporters, and lends an attentive ear to those who stand and to those who kneel." 


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